Novel mmW radio systems, partly with integrated fiber optics, are being researched. In order to enable for the first time radio data rates with >1 Tbit/s in the backbone network at distances of up to 1 km, a THz radio link with quasi-optical beam steering, full-duplex functionality and fiber-optical network connection based on the new IEEE802.15.3d THz standard will be developed and made available for automated hardware-in-the-loop experiments including end-to-end evaluation. In addition, “Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces” are investigated at a working frequency of 26 GHz with respect to their applicability for beam redirection. In order to transmit extremely high data volumes over short distances (e.g. in manufacturing environments) efficiently and cost-effectively, two novel concepts will be realized. For ultra-fast transmission to mobile receivers, a novel system concept with electronic beam steering based on frequency agile antennas at 300 GHz is realized. Together with the integrated photonic link, an efficient and at the same time cost-effective mobile Terahertz Access Point (THzAP) is created.
Project goals
- Ultrafast outdoor THz data link with electronic alignment
- Design, research and realization of novel miniaturized THz transceiver modules
- Realization of complete system and link to ultra-wideband modem
- New concepts for electronic alignment, in-situ calibration, channel modeling
- Ultrafast mobile THz transmission (Terahertz Access Point)
- Photonic-electric THz frontend incl. frequency agile antenna and fiber-optic interfacing
- Low-cost receiver (e.g. Kramers-Kronig) and connection to ultra-wideband modem
- Design and verification of the complete system
- Highly integrated THz device-to-device transceivers
- Research and realization of the integrated transceivers including antennas and packaging
- Design and construction of the front-end modules
- Components and subsystems for 26 GHz MIMO testbed
- Phase synchronization for distributed MIMO by fiber optic interconnection in the IF range
- Reconfigurable interfaces for 26 GHz: Modeling, Realization and Control
Role in project
- Novel mmW radio systems (HW), partly with integrated fiber optics
- Electronics and photonics systems for 6G solutions
Results and achievements
- VDE-Positionspapier „Hidden Electronics III“
- Fully equipped measurement laboratories for THz and photonics (KIT, IAF, FAU, UDE, TUK, UST)
- InGaAs mHEMT technology (IAF)
- THz and photonics packaging (IAF, KIT, UDE)
- Collaboration with «Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland», “Forschungslabor Mikroelektronik Karlsruhe“ (ForLab DiFeMiS) and „Forschungslabor Mikroelektronik Duisburg-Essen“ (ForLab SmartBeam).

Prof. Thomas Zwick

Prof. Sebastian Randel
Deputy Head

Dr. Akanksha Bhutani
Domain Expert

Prof. Ingmar Kallfass
Domain Expert

Prof. Christian Koos
Domain Expert

Prof. Marco Rahm
Domain Expert

Prof. Andreas Stöhr
Domain Expert

Dr. Axel Tessmann
Domain Expert

Prof. Robert Weigel
Domain Expert